illustration & filmmaking
Nate Bradley is an illustrator and writer/director based out of Los Angeles. With a focus on a traditional style of inking, he plucks inspiration anywhere from old movies to 70’s comedy to classic animation to tiki bars. When he’s not drawing he’s running Nearsighted Pictures his YouTube channel dedicated to comedy shorts. And as you may be able to tell the cartooning bleeds into the filmmaking… He also thinks animals aren’t to be trusted.
“Marmoset After Work”
Will Draw.
For Your Money.
Hire Me!
Hire Me! •
It’s simple. You got an idea and need it drawn. I’m your guy. The weirder the better. Whether it be an illustration, art print, poster, children’s book, painting, sticker for a friends forehead? If you like my style, let me help! Email me.
Featured short films Written & Directed by N8 Bradley
The Best Western Ever Made
Two Hitmen & a Roof